"Is this really worth a criminal record?": Police slam Sunderland driver for parking in front of speed camera van

Jason Sayers' vehicle parked in front of a police speed camera van in Sunderland.Jason Sayers' vehicle parked in front of a police speed camera van in Sunderland.
Jason Sayers' vehicle parked in front of a police speed camera van in Sunderland.
A driver who parked in front of a police speed camera van in Sunderland has been ordered to pay out more than £200.

Jason Sayers was arrested after parking in front of the van on Keir Hardie Way on January 28.

He was summonsed to appear in court for obstructing a police officer in the execution of their duty but failed to attend and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

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The 47-year-old was later arrested and has now been made to pay £201 after admitting the offence at South Tyneside Magistrates’ Court.

Police said they found his actions "astonishing" and warned those behaving in such a way face a criminal record.

Sayers, of Hendon Close, Sunderland, was made to pay an £86 fine, a victim surcharge of £30 and £85 in costs.

Following the case, PC Pete Burke, Team Leader of Northumbria Police’s Camera Enforcement Unit, said: "These vans aren’t here as a money making scheme as some people believe.

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"All the money from speeding fines goes to central government and they decide who and where it is distributed to.

"What people need to realise is that the vans are specifically allocated to enforce a particular stretch of road which is proven to have a problem with motorists who do not stick to the limits.

"I find it astonishing that people would park in front of one of these vans when they are there to help prevent someone from being killed or injured by a speeding driver.

"I have personally seen the devastating effect the loss of a loved one at the hands of a speeding motorist has on family and friends.

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"Consider how you would feel if one of your family or friends were killed or injured because of a speeding driver. Would you still think this behaviour is acceptable?

"Images of this type of incident published on social media gain many likes from similar minded people and offenders are often praised for their actions.

"Is this really worth a criminal record and any court penalties? Would those offering praise take that risk by obstructing a camera themselves? I doubt it.

"I welcome this result and hope it sends a strong message to anyone else thinking of acting in this manner. It is not big or clever and doesn’t merit the consequences."